Our Mission
We are a media agency. Aren’t we? The thing is, the word “agency” sounds all wrong to us. Nor do we feel the word “media” depicts what we strive to achieve for our clients. But let’s not lose our sanity over a few words: we do work with clients (not patients) and we do work with media!
We mortals are constantly proclaiming revolutions. We know… who’s not tired of all these so-called revolutions? But the twentieth century was in fact the most rapidly changing era for humanity up to that time. And yet in those days the word “media” summoned up a rather consistent image. Not anymore. Not in the Information Age.
“Nothing new to me”, you’d say. Yet, most people are still innocent observers, if they care to observe at all. And yet the dullest observer unknowingly responds to the new paradigm. Who benefits from this? Of course, the ones that always have: the doers, the pioneers, the ones who are already adjusting their minds to a new way of thinking, doing, learning and sharing.
Before we take you through Our Vision, please consider a thought: today becoming obsolete is a matter of months, if not weeks. The only way to survive is to share knowledge and integrate solutions.
Mediahat was born when we realized we were incapable of offering solutions in terms of “media”. We came to the conclusion that we can only offer A MEDIUM, a tailored solution for each of our clients. We could no longer achieve that goal without becoming an interdisciplinary team with a philosophy of sharing knowledge in order to fuel our own evolution. We’ll sell you media, sure, but we’d rather create a medium.
What makes today's world go round?
Meet the new Paradigm of Mobility.
The mix
We hate "media mixes", we are all about potions and brewing!
The Client
You pick us, we pick you. It's all about mutual love!
Meet the team
tweaking the recipe.
Max Czapski Founder & CEO
Based in Poznań, Poland. Media planner, experienced media buyer, Google AdWords and Google Analytics certified expert. Max loves pushing the limits of his creative approach to data and solid facts.
Marcos Czapski Director of Photography
Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mark is one of those prolific creators. He’ll take care of the script, he’ll hire the crew, stand behind the camera, direct, edit, review and repeat till he gets it right. He has produced a wide range of material, including music videos, TV shows, educational and institutional films and TV spots.
Piotr Podstawski Director of Remote Work & Solutions
Based in Poznań, Poland. Pete makes our dream come true: working together, being anywhere. He's also one of Poland's few certified Google for Work trainers. He makes it happen for us, he can make it happen for you! He speaks Polish, English and Spanish.
Iwona Styperek Copywriter
Based in Poznań, Poland. Iwona's pen has produced the most engaging copy for international campaigns. She writes for her target group as if she was one of them without ever losing her elegant touch. She speaks Polish and English.
Trying to do business without advertising is like winking in the dark; you know that you are keeping up a powerful winking, but nobody else has any idea of it.
Old saying
They have trusted us!
And it has been a delight for us.